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Emergency Food Sources- How to Catch a Grouse

Grouse1What if you are in an emergency situation in the middle of nowhere, with no weapon available, and find that you need to eat something to survive? Out in the wild, there are many food sources available. All you need to do is look. While porcupine has traditionally been an old trapper standby, their numbers have steadily diminished over the past several years. The next best thing though, is the grouse. They are a common bird to find in the back country,

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Needle and Thread

I can say, in all honesty, that I have experience putting stitches in my own head!

It began on a crisp morning late one September when I took off from Prince George in a 185 Cessna float plane with Dan, my friend and flying instructor, for four days of Caribou hunting in Tweedsmuir Park.

At seven thousand feet we leveled off and reduced power to cruise. It took us two hours to reach our destination,

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A Camper Story

camper1This is a true story that took place some years ago. It is about three guys who decided to go elk hunting in late fall, in a camper. They took off early one morning under clear skies and with a camper stocked with enough food and beverages for five days. After driving for a full day, they arrived at their favourite hunting spot in the East Kootenays and proceeded to light a fire and set up a cozy camp.

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