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With Vancouver prices up, a call for curbs

Kerry Gold, The Globe and Mail, December 13, 2013

Along with a jump in house sales, house prices in Vancouver have risen sharply and will likely continue to climb in the new year, pushing some frustrated house hunters to call for curbs on the foreign buyers they blame for stoking the rapid ramping up of housing values.

B.C.’s real estate market powered through third-quarter 2013 as the number of sales rose 18.91 per cent this year over last,

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Letter to the Editor – Rudy Nielsen Article

ScrivenerJust finished reading your Winter Scrivener interview with Rudy Nielsen.

I was a recently graduated student from Calgary and had moved to Prince George in the early ‘70s when I met him; he encouraged me to begin a real estate career. His enthusiasm and drive were infectious. Judging by your article, nothing has changed. What success I have in the real estate business, I owe to Rudy. He was my mentor and teacher and I am proud to say,

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Cover Story: Rudy Nielsen R.I. (B.C.), F.R.I.: Idea Man of Action

Val Wilson, The Scrivener, Winter 2013

To view the full article, click here

The Scrivener: You have had to start over a few times in your life. When was the first time?

Rudy: My mother and I emigrated from Holland after the Second World War. I was 9 years old. We left everything behind. I got off the boat in my jeans,

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The Virtues of Vision and Drive (Editorial)

Wayne Braid, The Scrivener, Winter 2013

Welcome to this issue of The Scrivener.

Our Cover Story features Rudy Nielsen, a larger-than-life personality with larger-than-life companies—the NIHO Land and Cattle Company, the Landcor Data Corporation, and LandQuest Realty Corp.

I first met Rudy in the late 1960s when we worked together in the northwest part of British Columbia. The firm we worked for—an investment group called Northern Securities Ltd.— owned real estate offices, 

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Downhill slide: Whistler real estate worst performing in region

Glen Korstrom, Business in Vancouver, July 30, 2013

Whistler real estate prices are on a downhill slide with the resort notching the steepest year-over-year price decline in the Metro Vancouver Sea to Sky region as well as in the past five years.

The benchmark price for a Whistler home fell 8% in the past year, 9.5% in the past three years and 21.5% in the past five years, according to Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver (REBGV) statistics.

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What’s Next in Recreation?

Rudy Nielsen, Western Investor, May 2013


A good friend recently asked: “When will the B.C. recreational market recover?”

I checked the numbers (and my gut) and in my opinion, the wording is wrong. The market hasn’t crashed, there’s nothing to ‘recover’. Like all healthy markets, it has simply changed and like all healthy markets, best get aboard while you can and before the next round of ‘upside’ kicks in,

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The Rapid Consolidation of BC Agricultural Land

Rudy Nielsen, RI Input, Spring 2013 Poets, theologians, and sensitive types might disagree, but we humans must eat to live. We have no choice. Unless you’re skinned in chlorophyll or are a successful “breatharian” (supposedly able to live solely on fresh air and sunlight), we all need grub, calories. There are a lot of us—seven billion plus with more to come. Global population growth is finally trending down, but the UN estimates that 2045 will see nine billion hungry humans,

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Farmers hoarding land in B.C.: study

B.C. ranchers and farmers are positioning themselves to meet higher demand for local farmland, driven in part by expected food and water shortages, a new land assessment report says.

Although overall agricultural land sales are sluggish, when farms do sell the buyer is often the farmer next door, Landcor Data president Rudy Nielsen said in an interview. 

This “rapid consolidation” will create larger, more profitable farms that will increase in value as climate change reduces the amount of arable land,

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BC Recreational Property Attractive To Chinese Investors

Andree Lau , The Huffington Post B.C, Oct 7, 2012

B.C.’s recreational property market is starting to see Chinese investors buying waterfront cottages and resorts as prices continue to cool. 

The Western Canadian Hotel & Resort Investment Conference held this week in Vancouver heard that offshore Chinese buyers are purchasing resort land to attract clientele straight from China. 

Graham Kwok, CEO of Character Capital Inc. and a former developer of ski resorts in China,

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Brighter prospects for recreational property sales

Glen Korstrom , Business in Vancouver, Sept 11-17, 2012

Recreational real estate sales across B.C. are rebounding from an anemic 2011 while the Greater Vancouver residential property market continues to cool and is poised for one of the slowest years for sales in the past decade.

Landcor Data Corp. statistics for the first half of 2012 show a 22% jump in recreational property sales across B.C. to 1,079, compared with 883 in the first half of last year.

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